Changed world situation is reflected in new soldier’s book

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It is a book that is handed out to new recruits in the Armed Forces and everyone who does military service or undergoes so-called combatant training. The book describes why we have a defense in Sweden and forms and conditions for the education.

The new version comes just three years after the previous one.

– The global situation and new conditions have led to us seeing a great need to sort through the entire book, says Stefan Nilsson, who was the main administrator.

Clearer division

The changes relate partly to the Swedish preparedness system, which was not properly described in previous editions, and partly to a clearer division between the defense branches, combat forces and the Home Guard.

Harassment has been dealt with to some extent in previous versions, but now a review has been made and a chapter called “How we relate to each other” has been created.

They have also strived for the images to be more representative.

– We have tried to create an image base that is both relevant and up-to-date, with the goal of having an equal number of boys and girls, says Stefan Nilsson.

The latter means, among other things, that Stig Nilsson, Sweden’s most famous prisoner of war, has a female fellow prisoner, Eva Petradotter, who makes her first appearance in the book. Fictional prisoners of war are also a new addition, they have previously only existed in the “Soldier in the Field” publication series.

— But now, when we wanted to stitch the books together and have a chapter dealing with the war and the laws of war, we said that we should probably include the prisoner of war piece in “”Swedish Soldier and Sailor”.

Great interest

Interest in the book has been great since the Swedish Armed Forces presented the new version. Several people have gotten in touch and wanted to buy it, but it’s not possible, emphasizes Stefan Nilsson.

— It is for internal use. However, the public can view it on our website.

He himself already has the next edition in mind.

— I already have a list of things that we think will affect in 2023. NATO membership will mean that we need to adjust some text and we will get new combat uniforms during the year. The organization doesn’t stop changing just because we published it.
