Changed rules for driving licenses – apply from 1 February

Changed rules for driving licenses apply from 1 February

Sweden has some of the toughest requirements in Europe regarding the rules for driver’s licenses.

These requirements will soon change.

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New rules on February 1

It is about the rules regarding which limit values ​​for field of vision apply to driving licences.

Around 1,000 Swedes a year lose their driving license due to impaired vision.

Now the rules are changing, which will become less strict on February 1.

– The rules needed to be adjusted, Sweden has had stricter requirements in terms of vision loss than some other European countries with high road safety, says Åsa Ericsoninvestigator at The Swedish Transport Agencyin a press release.

So will be the new rules

The new rules mean that The Swedish Transport Agency going forward will approve a certain loss of vision or light sensitivity in the field of vision.

It will also be easier to obtain the vision certificates required to obtain a driver’s license permit. Several vision certificates that previously could only be issued by doctors can from 1 February also be issued by opticians.

– Opticians have the skills and of course we must use them to the extent possible to facilitate both individuals and the heavily burdened eye care, says Åsa Ericson.


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Can get suspended driver’s license back

The changed rules mean that more people with visual impairments will be able to obtain a driver’s license of both lower and higher authority, tractor license or taxi driver’s license.

The new rules also mean that some people who previously had their driving license revoked due to visual impairments can get their driving license back.

In order to have their case tried based on the new limit values, the person who has had their driver’s license suspended must apply for a new driver’s license permit after the new rules have come into force.


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