Change of power and expected major victory for Labour

Change of power and expected major victory for Labour

Updated 23.07 | Published 23.01




full screen Labor leader Sir Keir Starmer. Photo: Stefan Rousseau/AP/TT

Labor is headed for a clear victory in the British general election.

The party gets 410 of the House of Commons’ 650 seats, and Keir Starmer becomes the new Prime Minister. There will thus be a change of power in London after 14 years of Conservative rule.

This is according to a major polling station survey carried out for the BBC, ITV and Sky News.

The Conservative Party gets 131 seats, its worst election result since the 1930s. According to the survey, the right-wing populist Reform Party gets 13 seats.

The result is in line with the opinion polls of recent weeks.

A final result is not expected until early Friday morning.
