Champions League: a PSG lacking in inspiration, beaten by Bayern Munich!

Champions League a PSG lacking in inspiration beaten by Bayern

In the summary of Radio football internationale Wednesday: – Champions League: return on the matches of the day before: Bayern puts Paris in the cedes! Defeat 0-1. Do Kyky and his family still have reason to hope? – AC Milan / Tottenham (1-0), advantage to the Italians. Back to the highlights of the evening.

– Eighths of the day: Dortmund / Chelsea and Bruges / Benfica, keys to these two posters!

– Premier League: Arsenal/Manchester City, and if the season was played tonight? State of play.

To discuss it with Annie Gasnier, our consultants of the day: Philippe Doucet, David Lortholary and Dominique Sévérac – David Fintzel – Technique/Direction: Laurent Salerno.
