Champions | Kroos: “This Liverpool is stronger than 2018”

Champions Kroos This Liverpool is stronger than 2018

Toni Kroos could become the first German player to win the orejona for the fifth time next Saturday. In an interview granted to the Bild newspaper, the Real Madrid midfielder talks about the final against Liverpool, the white team’s competitive gene and the ups and downs in a season that can be crowned with gold in Paris. Kroos spoke of the following topics:

Fifth Champions: “It’s the big goal. For me it’s not so much about quantity. We want to reward ourselves as a team for a season where we’ve had to survive some tough games.”

ups and downs: “There were situations in which many expected it to be over. But before the games it was never the rivals who were the big favourites, even if we faced some of the best teams in the world, like City or PSG. Not many teams would have come from behind in those situations where we did it. We did it because we believed in it.”

winning gene: “We have some experience, for sure. But in the end it’s the mix within the team. Especially the qualifiers showed that our younger players also gave momentum. In addition to this carefree attitude, experienced players are needed who bring calm to the team. The mix It’s what success does.”

Ancelotti: “This is the second time I have had him as a coach; he took me to Madrid in 2014. He knows very well how to deal with the group and with the individual. That is very important at a club like Real Madrid. He also has a clear plan on how wants to play. It is very variable, that is what distinguishes him. The key is that he gives us absolute freedom and does not tell each player what to do in each situation. He trusts the quality and instinct of his players. He is better than anyone to deal with them”.

Ancelotti stage in Munich: “The German mentality is different from the Spanish or the Italian. I think the Spanish is better for Ancelotti. It has certain characteristics that work better here.”

Bayern: “I was surprised that Bayern didn’t go through against Villarreal, almost everyone did. I didn’t watch much of the games because we played at the same time. But I would have been excited about a possible semi-final between Bayern and Liverpool.”

End of 2018: “It was totally even until the goalkeeper’s error before 1-0. Then Liverpool quickly made it 1-1. And then Gareth Bale scored a bicycle kick, it wasn’t bad at all. Like so many times in finals, the little details, the mistakes and the special moments were decisive.”

Liverpool: “Both teams have made progress since 2018. Liverpool have more options up front now than they did then. They have great players there. They will be very good either way. They are stronger than in 2018. the squad, they’ve improved the quality of their goalkeeping. And they’re more experienced, they won the Champions League against Tottenham the following year. Playing finals like that helps, of course. In that sense, I think Liverpool are definitely a stronger class. than in 2018.”

Benzema: “I have lived Karim for eight years here in Madrid, and you have always seen the type of player he is. He has always been the one who has scored goals, but maybe his role has changed a bit now. Maybe before he looked more to the left or to the right, because there were players who were more of the “shooter” type and demanded shots and goals. Now Karim is clearly the number one scorer, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t look left or right anymore. He still exceeds 10 assists by case. He is a player who is of great use to the team. In the past, with him, Cristiano and Bale, we had three strikers and, with Cristiano, one who scored 50 goals per season. Now Karim is the center of attention in attack And it doesn’t seem too bad for him. (laughs).”

Praise: “The fact that he fit in perfectly here did not surprise me at all, because he was no longer a young professional, but a finished player with the experience he has gained over many years at a big club. He knows how to win titles and brings quality.”
