Chalmers backs down – after the criticism

Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg lifts its criticized ban on political demonstrations at the school, reports GP.
– We see and hear that the announcement about not allowing political demonstrations has created strong reactions and aroused emotions, says Chalmers’ principal Martin Nilsson Jacobi to the newspaper.

It was on Monday that Chalmers rector Martin Nilsson Jacobi and Chalmers student union president Isabelle Jarl announced that they will not allow political demonstrations on the Chalmers campus.

– The unfortunate escalation of violence in the Middle East risks leading to polarization, Jacobi told GP on Tuesday.

The background to the decision is the recent calls and demonstrations at several universities.

Was welcomed – and attracted criticism

Students have, among other things, demanded a boycott of Israeli universities in protest against the war in Gaza and taking a stand for the Palestinians, TT reports.

A decision that was welcomed by Education Minister Mats Persson (L) – but at the same time drew criticism from former Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson.

– In a polarized time, it is important that our universities focus on education and research and not become an arena for political demonstrations, Persson told TT on Tuesday.
