CGT puts pressure on Macron for a left-wing government

CGT puts pressure on Macron for a left wing government

Five days after the results of the second round of the legislative elections, the formation of a new government has not yet seen the light of day. Calls for demonstrations from several unions are increasing to put pressure on Emmanuel Macron and “demand” a government from the NFP.

Impatience is growing within the left and the unions. In his letter to the French people of July 10, Emmanuel Macron states that “no one has won” after the second round of the legislative elections. The President of the Republic is therefore campaigning for a coalition that would be formed around his camp, with the most moderate figures from the right and the left. An option that would therefore close the door to a government from the New Popular Front, a bloc that came in first place in the legislative elections with 182 elected deputies. A situation that the unions do not accept, particularly the CGT, which had positioned itself in favor of the New Popular Front during the campaign.

The CGT Cheminots union has therefore called for rallies in front of the prefectures and the Palais Bourbon on Thursday 18 July, the day of the election of the president of the National Assembly, to “demand” the establishment of a government from the New Popular Front. “We believe that it is time for the President of the Republic to acknowledge the results of the ballot boxes and to respect the vote of the French people. So he must allow a government to be established,” said Thierry Nier, general secretary of the CGT Cheminots union.

Hear “the result of the ballot boxes”

“He must hear the result of the ballot boxes,” defended Sophie Binet, general secretary of the CGT, regarding Emmanuel Macron. She believes that he must “appoint the prime minister who will be proposed” by the left, at the risk of “even more once, to plunge the country into chaos,” she warned. Sophie Binet calls for “joining these [initiatives] to put the National Assembly under surveillance and call for respect for the popular vote”. At the same time, the CGT mining and energy union called for getting closer to these “popular mobilizations”. The CGT entertainment union could also join the movement, which is not the subject, for the moment, of a national or inter-union call.
