Cervicobrachial neuralgia: symptoms, duration, treatment

Cervicobrachial neuralgia symptoms duration treatment

Cervicobrachial neuralgia, or simply “neck sciatica”, is manifested by pain that starts in the neck and radiates to the shoulder, arm or hand. Duration, cause, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment to relieve and cure it.

There cervico brachial neuralgiacommonly referred to as “neck sciatica“, corresponds to a pain that starts from the neck and extends along the arm. The pain is aggravated by exertion that increases abdominal pressure (defecation, coughing, sneezing, etc.). 95% of cases of cervico-brachial neuralgia are due to a herniated disc or osteoarthritis. What other causes can cause neuralgia? What are the signs cervico-brachial neuralgia? how to heal ? Is that bad ? How to treat it effectively?

Definition: what is cervicobrachial neuralgia?

Cervicobrachial neuralgia is commonly called “neck sciatica” or “sciatica of the arm” because it iscompression or irritation from a nerve in the neck that extends along the arm. The pain affects the neck, collarbone, upper back, shoulder and arm, sometimes on one or both sides. The lesion at the origin of cervico brachial neuralgia is located at the level of the cervical vertebrae, in particular the 5th, 6th, and 7th cervical vertebra. Cervicobrachial neuralgia is one of the frequent causes of consultation in rheumatology, after low back pain and lumbosciatica. It mainly affects young adults and those over 50 suffering from osteoarthritis.

Woman suffering from cervico-brachial neuralgia: 5.6 and 7th vertebrae (in red) © staras – 123RF

What are the causes of cervico-brachial neuralgia?

Cervicobrachial neuralgia is due to compression or irritation of a nerve root in the cervical vertebrae. Among the most common causes:

► Thecervical spondylosis

► The cervical hernia

► The trauma related to intense sports practice,

► Cancer,

► A hematoma,

► An inflammatory mechanism,

► A viral infection,

► A hormonal imbalance,

► An unbalanced diabetes

► Poisoning…

► The herniated disccorresponds to an abnormal protrusion of the intervertebral disc located between each vertebra, in the same way as that encountered during sciatica.

What are the symptoms of cervico-brachial neuralgia?

Cervicobrachial neuralgia causes pain that most often affects young people and does not present any particular pathology. There pain may occur after violent exertion, as for example in the car during an accident (whiplash) or during a bad position. It is usually located on the side of one limb, but sometimes both sides can be affected. In some cases there is a partial loss of feeling in the fingers and/or arm. Depending on its location, the pain causes:

  • tingling
  • numbness
  • pain like electric shocks
  • a feeling of heaviness in the shoulder blades or trapezius muscles that radiates to the thumb or fingers of the hand
  • headaches
  • dizziness
  • ringing in the ears
  • limitation of neck movement.

Symptoms are usually present constantly, including at rest. Cervicobrachial neuralgia occurs most often in the form of a crisis which can be violent at night and at rest and be accompanied by loss of muscle strength and slight swelling of the arm.

How long does cervico-brachial neuralgia last?

Cervicobrachial neuralgia can last Several weeks or several months in the absence of treatment. On the other hand, with appropriate medical care, the symptoms can resolve in a few days or a few weeks.

The diagnosis of cervico-brachial neuralgia is a clinical diagnosis based on the precise questioning of the symptoms and a medical examination. A x-ray of the cervical vertebrae, a CT scan or an MRI can be done to find the cause of cervico-brachial neuralgia. In some cases a electromyogram shows nerve damage.

What treatment to relieve cervico-brachial neuralgia?

When symptoms suggestive of cervico-brachial neuralgia occur, it is important to consult a doctor quickly. In the meantime, it is recommended to put the arm affected by the pain in a sling and to take an analgesic to relieve the pain. In addition to this temporary immobilization, the wearing of a corset or a neck brace is often necessary. A hot water bottle under the neck and rest in a lying position on the back with a pillow, if possible ergonomic in order to respect the cervical curvatures, frequently relieve pain.

What medicines to take in case of cervico-brachial neuralgia?

Of the analgesics combined with anti-inflammatories and muscle relaxants are generally prescribed for ten days. Sometimes morphine derivatives or corticosteroids are helpful. A gesture of cervical infiltration corticosteroids under X-ray control or scanner may be offered in some cases by a specialist rheumatologist or radiologist.

When to use physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy (massages, muscle strengthening, stretching) is useful if it is done with caution. It allows to release the retracted structures by massages and muscular techniques aiming to release the tensions, and to reinforce the weakened muscles in particular when the symptoms are old.

When to have surgery?

In case of failure of medical treatments, surgery may be appropriate in case of persistence of pain, prolonged inability to return to work and/or to carry out usual, daily or sporting activities. It is useful from the outset in case of motor deficit. However, it does not repair the disc (discal lesions are irreversible) or cure osteoarthritis. Thus, neck pain may only be partially relieved by surgery, which mainly restores muscle strength and dexterity.

What are the natural treatments to relieve neuralgia?

Techniques like osteopathy or acupuncture can be effective in relieving cervico-brachial neuralgia if there are surrounding muscular contractures, vertebral/costal and clavicle blockages for example. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, thePeppermint essential oil brings powerful properties of local analgesic which help to decrease the pain of nervous origin. Completed with theRoman Chamomile oil which brings calming and relaxing properties, it helps to relax better. Finally, several homeopathic medicines can also help relieve certain symptoms such as Chamomilla 5 To 15 HP And Hypericum 9 to 15 CH for their action on pain and paresthesia.

To prevent cervico-brachial neuralgia, pay attention to your posture by avoiding awkward postures, over long periods of time, such as sitting for hours in front of a computer or on the telephone. Also avoid traumatic sports such as restrictive casting breaststroke, martial arts, combat sports, or asymmetrical sports such as tennis. Prefer basic sports, gymnastics, stretching or symmetrical sports.

Sheet written and medically validated by Dr Claire Lewandowski, doctor specializing in general medicine.
