Certain professional path, project presented by the Union of Young Accountants

Certain professional path project presented by the Union of Young

(Finance) – In 2023, the members of theRegister of Chartered Accountants increased by 0.1% compared to the previous year, while the Interns show a decline of almost 10 percent. To counteract this last data, and to bring the younger generations towards a profession that has become less attractive over the years, theNational Union of Young Chartered Accountants and Accounting ExpertsThe “Certain Professional Path” was presented, a project aimed at outlining a clear and fair growth for trainees and young accountants.

“The new generations represent a precious resource, a source of freshness, innovation and dynamism that can significantly contribute to the success of professional firms. It is essential to dispel the myth that young talents are a threat to existing hierarchies, but rather to conceive them as a wealth of skills and ideas. The collaboration between consolidated experience and innovative perspectives is the key to the sustainable growth and competitiveness of professional firms in the increasingly challenging landscape of consultancy”, he stated Francis Cataldipresident of UNGDCEC, during the presentation of the protocol developed by the Professional Studies, Anti-Money Laundering and Privacy Commission of UNGDCEC, which aims to redefine the conditions of professional growth and remuneration, placing the development of talent and the recognition of individual value at the center.

Second Michela BoidsCouncilor of the Union, with this protocol “we intend to promote an inclusive work environment, in which the ideas and skills of trainees and newly qualified professionals are recognized as an added value, encouraging the loyalty of young colleagues, through a system of incentives and recognitions based on performance and individual contribution. Furthermore, the studies that choose to adopt this project will be able to be facilitated in attracting young motivated professionals, providing them with guarantees on the type of training and the professional path they can undertake”.

For the president of the Chartered Accountants Fund, Stephen Distillations: “In recent years, in addition to the optional pre-registration institute that allows you to immediately start a virtuous pension path, the Cassa Dottori Commercialisti has expanded the welfare measures in favor of trainees also through access to free basic health insurance, LTC (in case of non-self-sufficiency) and TCM (to support families in the event of death)”.

The presentation was attended by the Hon. Andrea de Bertoldi (FdI), who expressed “appreciation for the Percorso Professionale Certo protocol, promoted by the Union, an important tool for valorizing Young Professionals, providing them with guarantees of economic and professional growth. Furthermore, it is important to strengthen welfare protection, in the wake of the measure on the deferral of terms for illness and injury of professionals, which could now be extended to ‘minor children’ with another de Bertoldi amendment; I am also available for discussion with the Union to jointly identify legislative proposals that can improve the lives of professionals, possible only thanks to the joint commitment of professionals and politics”.
