Cer, Uncem: too low numbers, action with Mase and GSE to discharge territories projects

Cer Uncem too low numbers action with Mase and GSE

(Finance) – “We are ready as uncem to work with the GSE and the Ministry of the Environment To disengage the projects of Renewable energy community stops on the territories. We have a new uncem-gse pact. Among many good intentions, we overcome too many efforts. And the bureaucratic absurdities of the algorithms. We have to go further. It is the time of doing. The plants must be made, the communities must be constituted, the incentives must arrive, while the risk is that the funds are lost or the audiences of the municipalities eligible for PNRR incentives are still increased, now reserved for municipalities with less than 5 thousand inhabitants. With GSE we are ready for intense work. The energy challenge does not stop at the gates of the urban areas where heads and resources arrive easier. We truly involve, beyond imaginative and riding operations, moved by speculators, all small municipalities. The renewable energy communities are primarily for them “.

President Uncem said it today, Marco Bussoneintervening to a seminar In Rome at the GSE, strongly desired by the Department for Regional Affairs and the Autonomies within the Italy project, which took part in the President of the GSE Paolo Arrigoni and the councilor on the themes of the mountain of Minister Calderoli, Luigi Augussori.

“Being Cer, with the current regulatory and bureaucratic framework, is very difficult. Accessing the incentives PNRR even more. Simplify must be the rule. So so far has not been – underlined Bussone -. The portal For the recording of the energy communities it is made almost for nerd. But all this must not stop the territories, the municipalities together, those primarily that are within the 40 green communities financed by the PNRR. Energy community and Green Community are two very different things. But they are complementary. The latter, strategic programming areas, contain the CER. We must, we want to work, helping Mase, GSE, the Ministry led by Calderoli to act to drain resources that contrast energy poverty. We want to make renewable, even by allocating the regions that cannot prohibit making too many pieces of territory unsuitable. For example, the park areas must be suitable areas for renewables, privileged, with plants and well -facts. It is in the interest of the mountain “.

“That’s why Uncem holds a new active pact with the GSE and the ministries on the Cer. We have great job to do to be in concreteness, go beyond the slogans and define real, concrete development policies, really that they face the energy crisis using all the economic resources available, from Cer to thermal account 2.0 to efficient buildings and make them Nzeb, the ERDF for public lighting and generate smart and green projects. We believe it and the GSE lies in a development and growth pact for the benefit of the Mountain and the country. From Uncem all the support to generate communities, trust, cohesion around energy challenges, “concluded the president of Uncem.
