CEO Pavel Durov said: “Telegram is now a profitable company”

CEO Pavel Durov said Telegram is now a profitable company

Company CEO Pavel Durov stated in a new statement that the Telegram platform is now a profitable company. said.

Pavel Durov stated that Telegram generated revenues exceeding $1 billion in 2024 and that the platform closed the year with more than $500 million in cash reserves, excluding crypto assets. According to the latest statement, the platform currently has approximately 12 million paid ‘Premium’ subscribers. Durov was first detained in France in recent months. The manager was later released on the condition that he pay a bail of 5 million euros and not leave France. Following these events, he made an important update on the platform. Within the scope of his statement, “The increase in the number of our users to 950 million has made it easier for criminals to abuse our platform” said Durov, He stated that he would take a closer look at Telegram’s moderation. Durov made another statement on this and said that in line with legal demands He said that users started sharing their IP addresses and phone numbers with authorized institutions. The platform is said to have started receiving help from both artificial intelligence and a special moderation team to remove problematic content. He took an important step regarding management two weeks ago.


Telegram’s “Frequently Asked QuestionsPreviously on the page ” “All Telegram chats and group chats are private to their participants. “We do not process any requests regarding them.” There was a description. Later that part was removed and replaced with a new explanation. added: “In all Telegram applications, There is a ‘Report’ button that allows you to report illegal content to our moderators with just a few taps. For this also [email protected] You can also use our e-mail address. If you are submitting a takedown request via email, please be sure to share links to the content on Telegram.”
