Center Pen Haiti and Thédu’20

Center Pen Haiti and Thedu20

In this program, we give the floor to Ervenshy Hugo Jean-Louis and Tchadensky Jean-Baptiste, respectively responsible for communication of the Center Pen Haiti and the troupe Théâtre du 20 (Thédu’20). The Pen Haiti Center, created in 2008 by the writer Georges Anglade, is an association of feather workers that is part of the international PEN network. For some time now, the Center has been running an extensive program “Human Rights and Women’s Perspectives” which includes, among other things, a writing residency for women and seminars for women journalists. Ervenshy Hugo Jean-Louis tells us more.

On the other hand, Tchadensky Jean-Baptiste presents the troupe Théâtre du 20 (Thédu’20) made up of students from the State University of Haiti which announces for August 22, 23 and 24, 2022 “Teyat san sal” (Theater without a hall) which offers theatre, dance and artistic performances in the middle of the street and also at the Salomon market.

Musical programming :

Tamara Suffren – Let’s go dancing.
