censorship rejected, reform adopted, chaos assured

The cross-party motion of censure against the government of Elisabeth Borne was rejected by 9 votes. Immediately, spontaneous rallies were formed all over France.

As was to be expected, the pension reform was adopted this Monday, March 20, 2023, after the rejection of the two motions of censure against the government. One, tabled by the Rassemblement National, obtained only 94 votes out of the 287 necessary to obtain a majority. The other, tabled by the LIOT group (Liberties, Independents, Overseas and Territories) but which was intended to be transparent, was rejected by 9 votes (278 for)!

Garbage fires

Shortly afterwards, spontaneous gatherings took place in several districts of Paris, but also in the major cities of France, such as Lille, Nancy, Strasbourg, Rennes, Nantes, Bordeaux, etc. Everywhere, there were garbage fires, barricades and clashes with the police.
This revolt of the people against the stubbornness of the executive to want to impose against all odds a reform as unfair as useless, translates the anger of the French against the political class. A mediocre political class, disconnected from the realities of everyday life.
We have said it several times here, all this will end badly. It is not possible otherwise.

Strikes and demonstrations

What will happen now? The government is at an impasse. Elisabeth Borne, whatever she says, cannot continue to govern the country under these conditions. Elected officials are distraught and even frightened. The Republican party has imploded and no longer represents a supporting force for the executive.
On the union side, the strikes will continue and become more severe. Refineries remain blocked and many gas stations are running out of fuel. Many sectors of the economy will be impacted by the chaos that is spreading.
The anger is so strong now that it is no longer a few soothing words from Macron that will calm things down. The French people do not want these incompetents who have governed us for too long. Macron and his clique must go. To save their skins.
