Cellist Gautier Capuçon calls on young musicians to help

Cellist Gautier Capucon calls on young musicians to help

At 40, the French cellist Gautier Capuçon is a regular on television sets and a star of classical music who performs on the biggest stages in the world. Very committed to the transmission of music to the youngest, especially within the Orchestra at school association, he now wants to create a foundation to help a profession weakened by the Covid crisis, because concert halls prefer in these uncertain times to program well-known artists.

In the summer of 2020, cellist Gautier Capuçon initiated a tour of free concerts throughout France to face the cultural desert caused by the health crisis and as a means of supporting young artists. An initiative that has become sustainable.

When you come out of a large conservatory with its prize, you have a lot of stars in your eyes and you think the stage is open to you in a certain way. But, we quickly realize that, in fact, it is very difficult to meet professional actors from the world of culture and to give your first concerts. So, something that was already extremely difficult before the Covid is now almost an impossible mission. There are some who hold on and hang on, but unfortunately others pick up and leave the music.

The first scholarships will take place in the spring

Gautier Capuçon is therefore launching a foundation in his name and under the aegis of the Fondation de France, to help young musicians of excellence. The first laureate is a 22-year-old pianist, Kim Bernard, invited to his first major European stages. ” The goal is to constitute a pool of musicians who will invite these young people to participate in their concerts.

The calls for applications for the first scholarships will take place in the spring, also calling on all the partners to perpetuate this attractive invitation project on stage.


