Céline Dion: the Montpellier University Hospital could be able to treat the disease from which she suffers

Celine Dion the Montpellier University Hospital could be able to

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    Relatives of the Quebec singer have contacted the Montpellier University Hospital because a medical team from the hospital could find a cure for the disease from which she suffers, the stiff man syndrome.

    Celine Dion has stiff-man syndrome, a rare disease that causes rigidity in the trunk and limbs, associated with spasms. Her state of health not allowing her to go on stage, the international star was forced to cancel many concerts around the world, leaving her fans disappointed but above all worried for her. Good news could come to reassure them: a French hospital has just welcomed an institute capable of developing a treatment that can treat the stiff man syndrome.

    A new Institute dedicated to systemic autoimmune diseases

    Indeed, the Montpellier University Hospital was selected on Tuesday May 16, 2023 to host “Immun4Cure”, a university hospital institute (IHU) which “aims to unite the many multidisciplinary skills of Montpellier, within the framework of an IHU dedicated to systemic autoimmune diseases”, of which the stiff-man syndrome is a part. It will be directed by Christian Jorgensen, rheumatologist, head of the “Clinical and therapeutic immunology” medical team at the CHU.

    The University of Montpellier confirms on its site that the new IHU has been contacted by relatives of Celine Dion. Asked by the Midi Libre newspaper, Dr. Christian Jorgensen explained how he could help the singer: “Celine Dion develops an antibody that targets an enzyme that completely disrupts her muscles. There is no treatment today for this. On a platform like ours, you can try to find one. This requires sequencing the antibody and constructing a specific CAR-T, and testing it“.

    As a reminder, CAR-T cells are genetically modified T lymphocytes with the aim of recognizing and then eliminating pathologically activated immune cells (or cancer cells) or restoring tolerance in an organ affected by deregulated immunity (mechanisms that the found in autoimmune diseases). Treatment with CAR-T cells is therefore one of the therapies tested at the Montpellier IHU against autoimmune diseases. It is also used in the treatment of certain cancers. This is a cellular immunotherapy strategy in full development.

    A tailor-made treatment

    Immun4cure is made up of 15 mixed research teams and more than 200 staff who will combine their skills to transform the care pathway for patients with autoimmune diseases. Dr. Christian Jorgensen assures that this new Institute will be able to offer personalized treatments to each patient: “Our platform is open to that, we can contact us and we can offer tailor-made, put ten researchers on a particular problem, we are able to do it”. Regarding the “Céline Dion” case, the specialist said that he had been contacted by the singer’s entourage but that he had no direct link with her. “For the moment it is on stand-by”, he concluded.
