To help commemorate the area’s heritage, Chatham-Kent is launching an historical plaque program.
The municipality is collaborating with the Chatham-Kent Heritage Network, which is comprised of historical and heritage groups, on the community-wide project.
“History is important in the role it plays helping create our community’s identity. Chatham-Kent has a rich and diverse history that has helped to shape who we are today,” said network founder Lisa Gilbert.
“It is important we remember and honor the people and events that have contributed to our community’s growth and development.”
Plaques throughout the community will commemorate significant people, events and locations, a release said. Everyone is encouraged to participate by sharing stories with local historical groups.
Thursday’s announcement was part of the Celebrate CK in May campaign, featuring a different announcement each business day.
Mayor Darrin Canniff has allocated funding for the project from his share of the Councilor’s Ward Funding Program, funded by the Hydro One Community Benefit Contribution, which can be used only to support recreation, arts and culture.
“There is great value in understanding the history of our communities, both the triumphs and the struggles,” he said.
“Commemorating this history with plaques and markers helps ensure future generations can learn from the past and continue to build upon the progress that has been made.” he added. “These plaques serve as a reminder of where we have been, and as a guidepost for where we must go.”