Cédric Villani, the reconciliation equation

Cedric Villani the reconciliation equation

Because the world is Mathematics, Cédric Villani is in the world. That’s what I think I understand about this free spirit, researcher, director of the Institut Poincaré and popularizer of Mathematics who always appears, a spider clinging to the lapel of his jacket. (Rebroadcast July 24, 2021)

Not to mention his famous lavallière (a little taste for obsolescence perhaps), not to mention his Fields medal (the equivalent of the Nobel Prize for Mathematics), not to mention his exclusion from the party La République en Marche ( his dissident side therefore), his desire to be mayor of Paris (his Corsican side, I would say), not to mention because we will not talk about the mathematics of the bat (his hobby). But what will we talk about in G Major with Cedric Villani ? And many of his family history which goes through the island of beauty, French Algeria and his fight around the disappearance of Maurice Audin.

The musical choices of Cédric Villani

Stiff Heads Gino

Divine Comedy Europop

Fabrizio De Andre Via del Campo
