Cecilia Bladh in Zito paid for the black construction

Cecilia Bladh in Zito paid for the black construction

Published: Less than 20 min ago

Municipal councilor Cecilia Bladh in Zito claims that she was not involved in the black renovation of her own house.

Now 200 seconds can reveal how emails show that the SD top itself has paid money for foreign labor.

Bladh in Zito has refused an interview since last spring – and denies that she knew about the black replacements.

Cecilia Bladh in Zito is the chairman of the municipal board in Hörby – and one of SD’s poster names before the election.

In Aftonbladet’s program 200 seconds, several people have testified about how large sums were paid illegally when Bladh in Zito renovated her property before she became municipal leader.

But the only thing that the SD top has confirmed is that she was the builder.

“It is true that as a developer I was responsible for the renovation of the house that I and my then husband owned. However, for a number of reasons, I have not had the opportunity to run the renovation project myself. The task has instead been on my ex-husband, who held this together with the construction manager,” she wrote in a statement.

But this is not true according to two people who were in control of the project, which SVT was first to report on.

This is stated by the two controllers also for 200 seconds.

200 seconds has also seen several emails sent to and from Bladh in Zito that show her involvement.

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The SD top has denied that she paid or knew about black payments.

She has instead blamed her ex-husband.

– Of course, I have a formal responsibility as a developer, but cannot take responsibility for how my ex-husband handled payment and contact with builders, she wrote in a statement.

But now 200 seconds can reveal how e-mails show how the SD top himself allegedly paid money for foreign labor.

In an email, it appears that “Cecce” – which is Cecilia Bladh in Zito’s nickname – paid for work performed by Polish construction workers during February 2017.

200 seconds has obtained time sheets for the Polish construction workers which show how the men earned just over 100 kroner an hour, 12 euros an hour.

According to two independent sources, the men received a large part of their compensation in cash.

“How far our Polish friends got, I don’t know, but it started to rain later. Our Polish friends are taking May 1st off, so there will be no activity then,” says an email that was sent to Bladh in Zito during the renovation, among other things.

200 seconds has also taken part in two bank transfers totaling just over SEK 40,000 between people close to Cecilia Bladh in Zito. According to reports, it is a refund for her relatives contributing cash.

fullscreenCecilia Bladh in Zito. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

Bladh in Zito has since April refused to appear for an interview with 200 seconds.

When 200 seconds sends questions about her involvement, the black payments to the Polish construction workers and the bank transfers to her relatives, the SD top chooses not to answer the questions.

Bladh in Zito states that she does not want to make a statement without having seen any evidence.

Bladh in Zito’s ex-husband has confirmed in several interviews with 200 seconds that there were large amounts paid in black compensation and that this was done at the initiative of the SD top.

After 200 seconds of review, the Moderates have canceled the collaboration with SD.

Both the Christian Democrats and the Social Democrats have also directed the resignation of Bladh in ZIto.
