“Cease fire matter of life and death for millions”

— I’ve said it many times before, and I’ll say it again: There is no safe place in Gaza.

This was said by UNWRA Commissioner and Director Philippe Lazzarini in a briefing for the UN Security Council on the situation in Gaza following the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7 and Israel’s response to it.

Lazzarini said that the consequences for civilians in Gaza of Israel’s bombing and shelling and Israeli demands for civilians to evacuate to the south cannot be expected. What Israel is doing can be compared to collective punishment, according to Lazzarini.

He warns that UNWRA, having had warehouses in Gaza looted in the anarchy resulting from the war, may soon be forced to suspend work on the ground. Lazzarini argues that a ceasefire, on humanitarian grounds, is necessary to get aid and supplies to Palestinian civilians.

Basic social functions are very vulnerable and medicine, food, water and fuel are about to run out, according to Lazzarini. The sewage system is overflowing into the streets and could soon pose a huge health hazard, he claims.

Many who spoke at the Security Council meeting condemned Hamas’ attacks on Israel and demanded the release of the hostages taken. But many also highlighted Israel’s responsibility to comply with international law and protect civilians.

US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas Greenfield said:

— The fact that Hamas acts in civilian areas means an extra challenge for Israel, but it does not diminish Israel’s responsibility to distinguish between terrorists and civilians.
