CDU wins landslide victory in Schleswig-Holstein

CDU wins landslide victory in Schleswig Holstein

The 2.9 million inhabitants of this region of northern Germany were called to the polls this Sunday. With this victory, the Christian Democrats hope to turn the corner in the next elections.

It is a triumph for the CDU and more particularly for Daniel Günther, outgoing Minister-President of Schleswig-Holstein. More than his political label, it is the record popularity of this regional boss who convinced, analyzes our correspondent in Berlin, Pascal Thibault.

With 43% of the vote, the Christian Democrats are close to the majority in seats in this land in the north of the country. The German conservatives needed this victory to boost their morale, after the loss of Saarland in March and a week before a regional election which promises to be difficult for them in North Rhine-Westphalia. In this region, the largest in the country, which they currently lead, the Christian Democrats are neck and neck with the SPD.

Debacle » social democrats

The other winners of the poll are the Greens who become the second force. The ecologists pass in front of the social democrats who record a “ debacle to use their term. Down 12 points from five years ago, they could not impose their themes. Chancellor Scholz’s declining popularity did not help the SPD.

The Liberals see their score almost halved. This failure and their more global decline in the polls at the national level could encourage the FDP, in power alongside Olaf Scholz and the ecologists, to put forward their theses even more, even if it means disrupting the harmony of the ruling coalition. at the federal level.

This election in a land bordering Denmark and populated by only 2.9 million inhabitants constitutes the second electoral test of the year for the government of Olaf Scholz, which has came under heavy criticism for having long delayed giving the green light to the delivery of heavy weapons to Ukraine.

(And with AFP)
