CDP Venture Capital, directors of CDP and Invitalia appointed

CDP Venture Capital directors of CDP and Invitalia appointed

(Finance) – Cassa Depositi e Prestiti and Invitaliain view of the renewal of the Board of Directors of the investee CDP Venture Capitalhave approved the following designations.

CDP he designated: Agostino Scornajenchi (CEO), Enrico Canu, Manuela Sabbatini, Lorenzo Maternini, Stefano Cuzzilla, Valeria Bucci.

Invitalia he designated: Anna Lambiase (President), Stefano Massari, Valentina Milani.

“To the outgoing President and CEO – reads the note – Francesca Bria and Enrico Resminiheartfelt thanks go to the great contribution offered and the significant results achieved by the company in recent years for the development of the entrepreneurial fabric and innovation in Italy”.
