CDP, meeting ok for 2021 financial statements. Dividend at 1.28 billion

CDP Fitch confirms the ratings Stable outlook

(Finance) – The Shareholders’ Meeting of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) approved the financial statements as at 31 December 2021, which show a net profit of approximately € 2.37 billion. A total dividend of € 1.28 billion will be distributed to shareholders.

The ordinary assembly has appointed the new members of the Board of Statutory Auditors. The standing auditors are: Carlo Corradini (President), Franca Brusco, Mauro D’Amico, Patrizia Graziani and Davide Maggi. The alternate auditors are Giuseppe Zottoli and Anna Maria Ustino.

In an extraordinary session, the Assembly approved some proposals for amendments to the Statute concerning, inter alia, CDP’s financing, assistance and consultancy activities and the sustainability expertise of the Risks and Sustainability Committee.
