CDP: “Ever closer to the territory to intercept the needs of administrations and businesses”

CDP Ever closer to the territory to intercept the needs

(Finance) – “The opening of the new Venice-Mestre office is part of a strategy that is being consolidated in the Group. Being closer to the territory, to businesses, means being able to be even more effective in offering our services to administrations and businesses. The results we have had so far, where we have done so, have been very encouraging and I’m sure it will be the same for Mestre too “. This is what the president of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, Giovanni Gorno Tempiniinterviewed, together with theCEO, Dario Scannapieco, on the occasion of the Venetian leg of the Cdp roadshow, in the margin ofinauguration of the new territorial office in Venice (the third in Veneto after the Verona office and the Padua space), which will be shared with Sace.

In a scenario characterized by high inflation and Italians increasingly oriented to savings, Gorno Tempini he underlined how Cdp is

always close to the Italian saver through postal savings. “High inflation – continued the president of CDP – is leading to paradigm changes in monetary policy with rising rates. Cassa Depositi e Prestiti has adapted to this trend by raising yields on postal bills. I’m sure that what has been a relationship of trust that has lasted since the Cassa was founded, will continue in the future “.

The proximity of Cdp to the territory was also confirmed by Scannapieco which in the current scenario highlighted, in particular, the support dedicated to companies hit by the Ukrainian crisis. “In the last three years we have supported about 13,200 companies in the Veneto alone. So – said theCEO of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti – there is a very important effort and the opening of this office goes in the direction of being closer, therefore of better understanding the needs and being able to serve them better. We are studying ad hoc measures, in particular through Simest, to support companies that are suffering from the Ukrainian crisis and have to redirect their exports to other markets. A situation that affects many Italian companies, particularly in the north-east, and the idea is to help them position themselves on other markets that compensate for the loss of important markets such as those linked to Ukraine and Russia “.

The focus of CDP continues to remain high also on the front of sustainability. “We will also continue – continued Scannapieco – to focus on projects concerning the environmental aspect. I mention a very important project, the so-called Hydrobond made with the Vivereacqua consortium, a consortium of utilities that manages the integrated water cycle in the Veneto region and which serves over 3 million people. It is an innovative way to directly finance companies that are too small to be financed by themselves: these companies get together and issue these basket bonds which are then financed by us and by other entities such as the European Investment Bank “.
