CdM, arms export ban in the United Arab Emirates falls

PNRR the social partners summoned to Palazzo Chigi on 20

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – The Meloni government confirms that the export of arms to the United Arab Emirates is no longer prohibited. This was decided by the Council of Ministers which, as the Palazzo Chigi press release explains, “after hearing a detailed report from the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, has implemented what was established by the previous Government, and therefore certifies that the export of military goods in the United Arab Emirates no longer falls within the prohibitions established by art. 1, paragraphs 5 and 6, of the law of 9 July 1990, n. 185″.

As stated in the press release, “on August 5, 2021, the Council of Ministers received confirmation from the then Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, in agreement with Parliament, after a fact-finding investigation by the House Foreign and Community Affairs Committee, that the UAE’s military engagement in Yemen had ceased. Subsequently, the scenario continued to evolve positively: since April 2022, military activities in Yemen have slowed down and been limited and diplomatic activity has significantly accelerated”.

In the note after the Council of Ministers it is underlined that “The UAE’s engagement with other regional actors has made progress.
