CDM approves bill on Artificial Intelligence: a 1 billion euro fund ready

Ex Ilva meeting at Palazzo Chigi in the next few

(Finance) – The Council of Ministers has given the green light bill on artificial intelligence. The Minister of Business and Made in Italy, Adolfo Ursusexplained that the Innovation Fund which will serve to facilitate the birth and growth of innovative start-ups that use artificial intelligence processes will be equipped with one billion euros. “We have 4 million SMEs – declared Urso – and we must put them in a position to use this challenging technology. The objective is to create a fair AI market without barriers to entry. The involvement of SMEs in the innovation process is a central issue that AI offers.”

The Minister explained that the billion euros “will be allocated to venture capital, managed by Cdp, precisely with the aim of facilitating the birth and development of start-ups, also through the purchase of capital shares. We also want to enable the birth of a sample national, as happens in other countries. They are the first resources, albeit significant.”

The bill also includes the extension of the regime concessions tax also for researchers who have carried out research abroad in the field of artificial intelligence technologies. The rule, explained the undersecretary for technological innovation Alexei Buttiis aimed at those returning from the United States but also from other European countries.

The bill also provides that theAgency for digital Italy (AgID) and theNational Cybersecurity Agency (ACN) will be the national authorities on artificial intelligence. The two Authorities will have to “ensure the application and implementation of national and European Union legislation on artificial intelligence”. Specifically, the bill reports, the AgID is “responsible for promoting innovation and the development of artificial intelligence” and also provides for “defining the procedures and exercising the functions and tasks relating to evaluation, accreditation and monitoring of the subjects responsible for verifying the compliance of artificial intelligence systems, in accordance with the provisions of national and European Union legislation”.

The ACN, also for the purposes of ensuring the protection of cybersecurity, is responsible for the vigilance, including inspection and sanctioning activities, of artificial intelligence systems, and also for the promotion and development of artificial intelligence in relation to cybersecurity profiles. The two Authorities, each for their respective competences, will ensure, according to the intentions of the government, the establishment and joint management of spaces of experimentation aimed at the creation of artificial intelligence systems compliant with national and European Union legislation, having heard the Ministry of Defence for aspects relating to artificial intelligence systems that can be used in a dual manner.
