CBD: proven beneficial effects in anxiety and sleep problems?

CBD proven beneficial effects in anxiety and sleep problems

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a substance derived from cannabis. It has recently been available over the counter in France in specialized shops. The motivations of consumers are diverse. A new study would support its reputation as an anxiolytic substance.

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In France, the question of cannabis remains sensitive since, according to estimates, more than 4 million people aged 12 to 75 have already used it. This narcotic is the subject of numerous studies with contradictory conclusions. Futura went to meet Paul Hofman, director of the Nice pathology laboratory and pioneer researcher in the detection of lung cancer, to find out more about this substance.

the cannabis contains many substances cannabinoids the two best known of which are cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). While THC has psychoactive properties and is addictive to the consumer, this is not the case with CBD. Recently, this one is free sale in France in specialized shops that are springing up everywhere. CBD is available there in cartridge form for electronic cigaretteoils, herbal teas, cakes…

CBD is reputed to have anxiolytic, anti-inflammatory and painkillers. Even if elements from basic research support these hypotheses, there is no or very little clinical data to confirm or invalidate them. This is the purpose of the test Advancing CBD Education and Science (ACES).

A new kind of test

I’studypublished by Medscape, took place in real life, like a phase IV trial. It’s a randomized trial controlled, 100% virtual and open. It included 2,704 participants, aged 21 or older, with anxiety, sleeping troubles or chronic pain. Fourteen groups were formed: 13 groups of 208 individuals each received one of the 13 oral CBD extracts available for sale and the 14and group was a control group (n=296).

The primary endpoint was ” a distinct and palpable improvement in quality of life “.

The secondary endpoints were:

  • improvement in sleep assessed using the Promised Sleep Abbreviated Form,
  • a decrease in anxiety assessed from the Promis Anxiety Scale and the General Scale General Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7).

The intermediate results are encouraging:

  • consumers reported an improvement in their well-being of 71% on average,
  • 63% reported feeling a decrease in their anxiety,
  • 61% had an improvement in their sleep.

Regarding pain, less than half of the participants experienced an improvement related to the consumption of CBD (47%).

A placebo effect?

In a double-blind trial, neither the patient nor the doctor knows what drug the patient is receiving. This makes it possible to obtain a maximum level of proof. This is not the case here where the patients know the content of the treatment. In addition, the craze for CBD is currently very important. It has an excellent reputation among consumers, which can distort people’s feelings. Nevertheless, in view of these data, this substance deserves that one or more trials scrupulously following the recommendations of good practice be carried out.

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