Cause of recurrent flu in children revealed

Cause of recurrent flu in children revealed

Child Health and Diseases Specialist Dr. Mümine Türksoylu made a statement regarding the long-lasting flu infections that especially primary school students have recently. Pointing out that the viruses that will cause respiratory tract infections increase in the winter period, Türksoylu stated that children are currently infected with Influenza A, Influenza B, Covid and RSV, and the frequency of the disease has increased due to this.


Pointing out that children in schools carry different types of immunity and infections, Türksoylu said, “Therefore, after an infection is over, the body becomes open to new infections as its resistance decreases. Since there is already a different infection, it is more possible for them to catch the other. The same infection does not continue, they usually have all the viral infections that exist in turn. For a period of time this becomes Influenza A, then a week later it may become Influenza B. Covid is still there. There are many viruses that cause RSV virus or respiratory tract infection. “Sometimes, when a viral infection starts and another bacterial infection is added to it, it prolongs this process.”


“There is not a single infection, there are successive infections,” said Türksoylu, stating that immunity decreases after infection in winter and that children become more prone to new infections, adding, “It is more common especially during primary school periods. This is because they are in a certain environment at home, but when they come to school, they enter a brand new viral environment. Since their immunity is not compatible with it, the frequent period is due to this. They pass them all in turn,” he said.

exp. Dr. Mümine Türksoylu added that regular nutrition, plenty of fluid support, a diet rich in zinc, and vitamin C and D support will help reduce the effect of the infection. (UAV)
