Cauldron immediately “at work”: the first theme on the agenda

Cauldron immediately at work the first theme on the agenda

(Finance) – “Legality in the world of work is a strategic issue for the country”. This was stated by the Minister of Labor and Social Policies, Marina Calderone, commenting on the news of sweeping checks in the construction sector, which highlighted the irregularity of 86% of the sites inspected. “Protecting the safety of workers is a challenge that cannot be overcome alone, but with the collaboration of all the social partners.

Also for this reason, the theme will be at the center of the meeting at the Ministry, scheduled for next November 4thwith the social partners. “Due to its social and economic implications, it will be fundamental on the one hand to invest in guidance and training, starting with the youngest, and, on the other, to support companies that commit to working regularly, keeping the level of controls high”, Calderone explained.

“Anyone who would like to deny the dignity of people by moving into the bed of illegality must be opposed. This Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, in line with the commitments undertaken in Parliament by the President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloniintends to address the issue as a priority, starting from prevention and, consequently, from increasing the awareness of workers and employers of the social and personal cost of an accident and of the lack of actions to protect health and safety.

“A cost that, unfortunatelyin some cases it is equivalent to life itself “he concluded.
