Caught the theory test 86 times – went there to cheat

Caught the theory test 86 times went there to

Updated 21.40 | Published 21.29




full screen On the 87th attempt, the man used a hidden cochlear to pass the theory test. Archive image. Photo: Ali Lorestani/TT

The man fought frantically to get his driver’s license, but flunked the theory test time and time again. After 86 unsuccessful attempts, he took the help of a hearing aid – and was caught in the act, writes Sydsvenskan.

It was in March that Trafikverket’s staff became suspicious of a man who was screwing himself up during a theory test in Bulltofta.

A search of the test history showed that the 48-year-old man had failed the test as recently as a week earlier and had booked in for 87 theory tests over the course of two years, but had never managed to pass.

When the examiner approached the man and asked him to take off his headphones, he turned out to have his own earpiece hidden inside the Swedish Transport Agency’s headphones. By clicking on the computer’s hearing function, he had the questions read aloud, whereupon a voice in the earpiece gave him the correct answer.

The man is now charged with grossly false declaration. According to himself, he did not understand that he was cheating.

– But I understand now that it is wrong, he says in questioning.
