Caught 7,000 mosquitoes in one night – may be a record

There may be an unusually high number of forest mosquitoes this year, reports P4 Värmland. During a single night, more than 7,000 forest mosquitoes were recently caught in one and the same place, says mosquito expert Jan Lundström at Biologisk myggkontroll. 7,000 is among the highest number of forest mosquitoes we have ever taken. It may be a record for forest mosquitoes. The reason for an increased number of mosquitoes is that there are many puddles with larvae in the forest. But even if the risk of being bitten increases in step with the number of mosquitoes, things will calm down later this summer, precisely when it comes to the forest mosquito. It does not re-hatch in the same way as so-called flood mosquitoes, according to the radio.
