CATL introduces an electric bus battery with a lifespan of 1 million km

CATL introduces an electric bus battery with a lifespan of

CATLintroduced an electric bus battery with a lifespan of 1 million km. The company aims to eliminate all question marks about battery life. decisive.

The batteries placed under electric vehicles have a limited lifespan. As the lifespan of batteries decreases after continuous charging and discharging, their performance and energy storage capacity decrease over time. That’s why batteries need to be replaced after a while. So when exactly does this need for replacement occur? Thanks to the work done, new generation batteries have become quite long-lasting. In fact, the new generation batteries developed by CATL The new electric bus battery, called Tectrans Bus Edition, is expected to have a lifespan of 1 million km or 15 years. This option, which has an IP69 certification, is said to have the highest energy density in the industry with a value of 175 Wh/kg. For a battery that the company has previously introduced for electric cars, A full 1.5 million km or 15-year warranty was announced.


The company had previously made a splash with a battery that gained a range of 600 km with a 10-minute charge. This lithium iron phosphate (LFP) battery, The first solution to support ultra-fast charging infrastructure called 4C And In this way, it can gain a range of 600 km with just 10 minutes of charging. Full maximum range 1,000 km This electric car battery, described as , looks really impressive. The battery is reported to not lose its fast charging power even at temperatures as low as -20 degrees.creates excitement for the future of electric cars and is among the developments that will push those who have not yet purchased an electric vehicle to wait another 1-2 years.
