Catering, entertainment and tourism: Intesa Sp and FIPE together

Catering entertainment and tourism Intesa Sp and FIPE together

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Intesa Sanpaolo and FIPE-Confcommercio they have signed an agreement to promote investment in the sector. The common goal – explains the note – is “to accompany small businesses in the current context and in the relaunch, through energy efficiency and environmental impact in line with ESG principles, as well as initiatives to encourage investments in digitization. The The agreement is part of the consolidated collaboration between Intesa Sanpaolo and Confcommercio Imprese per l’Italia, thanks to the signing of numerous agreements in favor of associated companies, to facilitate access to credit for Italian micro-enterprises and SMEs”.

Through the “Crescibusiness” initiative, the Bank a 5 billion euro plan aimed in particular at small businesses, it envisaged interventions for liquidity and guaranteed loans, zeroing until the end of the year of commissions on micropayments via POS in-store up to 15 euros, free POS and commercial credit card fees for one year, discounts on insurance coverage products and rental of capital goods, furnishings and accessories to contain operating costs.

By 2026, Intesa Sanpaolo medium-long term disbursement program for over 410 billion euro, of which 270 intended for businesses, with which to actively contribute to the country’s economic recovery

“Intesa Sanpaolo has always been attentive to the needs of the country’s business fabric– explains Anna Roscio Sales & Marketing Manager of Intesa Sanpaolo. – The collaboration with Fipe has now been tested and with CresciBusiness we make important resources available to catering, entertainment and tourism operators not only to face the current period, but above all to accompany these realities in their relaunch through development projects, digitization and sustainability, objectives consistent with the PNRR”.

“The renewed collaboration between FIPE and Intesa Sanpaolo is the result of a process that began some time ago which has led us to achieve significant results”, declared Aldo Cursano, Vice President FIPE-Confcommercio. “The support that the bank offers to companies in our sector is even more important in this 2023, which we consider the real year of recovery after the difficulties faced due to the pandemic crisis. In fact, it is a historical moment in which all realities, even the smallest ones, find themselves having to deal with the challenges that await them in terms of digitalisation, sustainability and innovation. It is a very high-speed train, that of growth and development, which we cannot lose”.

They total a 40 billion euros – concludes the note – the interventions of Intesa Sanpaolo in favor of Italian companies, even very small ones, and of families to bear the higher costs linked to energy increases and daily spending.
