Category: Life & Health
How is the funeral accompaniment carried out?
The funeral of a loved one requires specific preparation. But, it is clear that in times of mourning, it is not easy to put the grief aside to get down…
How to avoid gingivitis and have healthy teeth?
Swollen or irritated gums, bleeding when brushing… These are the signs of gingivitis. A very common inflammation, it affects almost 80% of adults. To guarantee impeccable oral hygiene, FOREO has…
Poutine, Pécresse, Hanouna, French secret services: the secrets of a former KGB agent
In an instant, he sits up like a truffle dog that has just sniffed a mushroom. His gaze leaves us to snap at the sinister-looking forty-year-old who has just entered…
Good sex can promote safe sex, according to the World Health Organization
According to a study by the World Health Organization, talking about the pleasure of sex in education programs can make the messages for safe sex more effective. Research has found…
HIV: For the first time, a woman completely recovered from the virus
An HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) positive woman in the USA had another HIV test after a newly developed blood transfusion method during her treatment for leukemia; test came back negative.…
Villeurbanne, French Capital of Culture, focuses on youth
Cultural meeting This is a first: in 2022, a city will be labeled “French Capital of Culture”. And it is Villeurbanne, 153,000 inhabitants, near Lyon, in the south-east, which was…
a sequel with Joaquin Phoenix in preparation?
JOKER 2. Joker was a huge critical and popular success, grossing over $1 billion at the worldwide box office. What generate a sequel, still with Joaquin Phoenix? Summary [Mis à…
Work stoppage by TABIP-SEN on March 14-16
A statement was received from TABİP-SEN regarding the work stoppage that will take place on March 14-16. The following statements were included in the statement: “Many investments in infrastructure and…
When and how to plant a currant tree?
If you want to harvest red currants or gooseberries from June to August, plant these small-fruited shrubs in fall or spring. Once planted, they will flower in March-April and then…
Covid-19: why the fourth dose of vaccine should remain reserved for people over 80
People over 80 will be able to stretch out their arms from Monday March 14 to receive a fourth injection of the vaccine against Covid-19. As the government prepares again…