Category: Life & Health
What are the uses of CBD in animals?
The CBD marketed in France comes from a very specific cannabis variety authorized for cultivation thanks to its THC level of less than 0.3%. As a non-narcotic chemical compound, CBD…
From nausea to back pain… What to do and what to avoid?
While trying to get used to this ‘new normal’ process, the expectant mother also struggles with increased fatigue as a result of hormonal effects, as well as physical changes and…
Data centers, an energy gulf? Not so sure anymore
A successful world premiere. Off the coast of Orkney, in the Scottish Sea, Microsoft unearthed its data center submarine from the depths where it had rested since the summer of…
Natural blood pressure medicine! You’ve always had these four nutrients
Unhealthy diet, sedentary life and excessive use of salt are the most important factors that trigger high blood pressure. High blood pressure rarely manifests itself with symptoms such as headache,…
War in Ukraine: biodiversity, another collateral victim of the conflict
To the human tragedy that is looming with the war in Ukraine could be added irreversible consequences for the environment and in particular for biodiversity. “Environmental destruction in wartime is…
This factor is very important in IVF treatment.
Stress plays an important role in the progression of diseases by causing many diseases. Experts state that stressful life should be avoided in order to prevent diseases. Being stressed is…
It is mostly seen in women! Causes digestive disease
An essential building block of your body, iron is part of hemoglobin, the molecule that allows red blood cells to receive oxygen and distribute it to all cells of the…
Model Winnie Harlow launches her brand of sun care products
News Posted on 03/03/2022 at 3:56 p.m., Reading 1 min. The top, suffering from Vitiligo, launches her range of sunscreen products called Cay Skin. The brand will be available from…
It invites high blood pressure! Here are the foods to avoid
The content of the food consumed is of great importance. Some foods that are consumed as delicious constrict blood vessels and trigger a heart attack. It is necessary to know…
when to see the rest of the TF1 series with JoeyStarr?
THE TF1 REPLACEMENT. TF1 has broadcast two new episodes of its series Le Replacant. But when can we expect to see the sequel with JoeyStarr? Summary [Mis à jour le…