Category: Life & Health
Phyllostachys: what is it?
Phyllostachys is the most widely grown bamboo in gardens. Often trailing, phyllostachys bamboos can become cumbersome. In a bed or in a pot, you can create decorations or green hedges…
4th dose Covid vaccine: indication, delay, for whom?
COVID VACCINE REMINDER. The second booster vaccine or fourth dose of vaccine against Covid limits the serious forms of the disease. Faced with a resumption of the epidemic in France,…
Nutri-Score: have teenagers adopted this nutritional logo?
News Published on 05/20/2022 at 4:46 p.m., Reading 2 mins. What is the perception of Nutri-Score by teenagers? A Public Health survey confirms that they have a good knowledge and…
2 legendary characters in episode 6
Attention, follow spoiler! With the 6th episode, Obi-Wan Kenobi finds his grand finale. The latest Star Wars series on Disney+ brings together the eponymous Jedi and Darth Vader on a…
If you’re having trouble climbing the stairs…
Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency are often “non-specific or vague,” meaning they can be overlooked. It is not usually up to some common symptoms diagnosed. These include bone pain and…
Isabelle Carré plays with the rules of the game
Can we become the author of our own existence, or does reality inevitably catch up with us? This is the question that Isabelle Carré attempts to answer in her third…
Seborrheic keratosis: what is it?
Seborrheic keratosis is a tumor benign skin very common in the elderly. warty in shape and color brown, it has a regular outline and is not contagious. Causes of Seborrheic…
Insulation: how to protect yourself from the heat in summer?
Most recent constructions perform rather poorly the function of cooling the house in summer: we now tend to rely on air conditioners. However, respecting a few simple principles would make…
The Frontier initiative or how the Tech giants want to boost the CO2 capture industry
This time, it is the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that tells us. To achieve our goal of limiting global warming to 1.5°C, we will not only have to…
Have you retrieved an image in WebP format from the Web that your image editor does not know how to open? Here’s how to convert it simply and for free to another more universal format.
Have you retrieved an image in WebP format from the Web that your image editor does not know how to open? Here’s how to convert it simply and for free…