Category: Life & Health
‘Healing oil’ advice from Canan Karatay! Not olive oil…
prof. Dr. Canan Karatay called out to those who have plastic surgery after obesity. Stating that one should not go under the knife to become beautiful, Canan Karatay made statements…
French nuclear is less than 4 gCO2e/kWh!
Around nuclear power, the debate continues to rage. There are those who are resolutely against it. Who would like to see it disappear from our energy mix, considering that it…
Here’s what you need to know about the Clandestines from Ms. Marvel
The Marvel Cinematic Universe has introduced us to a number of extraterrestrial races in the past, such as the Kree, Skrull, Celestials and most recently the Eternals. Another group from…
He found the cure for his mysterious illness that lasted for months on Facebook.
The young British woman is preparing to undergo a life-changing surgery this year, thanks to a medical diagnosis made by a stranger on Facebook. Doctors diagnosed the young woman with…
Pesticides: a map to find out how much they are used in your city
You will also be interested [EN VIDÉO] Take advantage of new technologies for agriculture “Smart farming” or precision agriculture is developing in Europe to enable farmers to produce better and…
First reactions promise a Marvel festival of the extra class
The new Thor adventure is one of those MCU films that required fewer worries beforehand. Thor 4: Love and Thunder unites the working trio from the strong predecessor: director Taika…
Don’t do this bad thing to yourself: If you have even one of the symptoms, run to the doctor.
The subject of masturbation is not a topic that can be easily talked about everywhere. How often you masturbate is not discussed in conversations with friends or at the dinner…
Music: Structures invents the rough wave
Structures has braved the roads of rock since 2018. The young group from Amiens, in the north of France, has continued to grow. The proof, she is preparing to chain…
Extraordinary weather phenomenon: green storms
You will also be interested [EN VIDÉO] Discovering the hidden side of storms As spectacular as they are mysterious, sprites belong to the family of transient light phenomena (TLE). Cumulonimbus,…
what happens to the actors in the film?
THE BREAKFAST CLUB. Breakfast Club was released in 1985, almost 40 years ago. What happens to the main actors, Molly Ringald, Anthony Michael Hall, Judd Nelson, Emilio Estevez and Ally…