Category: General
“Strong weapons aid from the West is now needed”
KIOVA In the center of the Ukrainian capital, the war can be forgotten for a moment. In the cafes of Kiev, people enjoy the sun and checkpoints have been dismantled.…
“If players were listened to, they would not understand this decision”
Wimbledon decided to exclude the Russians and Belarusians from the tournament starting next week. As a result, ATP and WTA points will not be awarded at all in the tournament.…
Here are the municipality’s new tricks to get more people to read
Borgsholm municipality is expanding their summer holiday bingo with a bingo card for adults. Should the participant receive five crosses in a row, ie bingo, the prize will be a…
The stories in Congress do not belong in a democracy
A crying Shaye Moss testified on Tuesday about the return of political violence in American politics. Moss was an election worker in the state of Georgia during the 2020 presidential…
Aftonbladet continues to count every woman killed
“The women have been shot, killed in their beds. We know it was not their wish. On the contrary, police interrogations with relatives show that the women often had the…
Judgment against Fingerprint base – seven years after the indictment
When the trial ended in May, chamber prosecutor Jonas Myrdal demanded Johan Carlström’s four years in prison. – It is a question of systematic crimes for private gain, said Jonas…
The Blacklist season 9 finally has a Netflix release date and it should make fans really happy
If The Blacklist fans have learned anything over the past few years, it’s patience. If you didn’t want to stream season 9 on Amazon and Co. with a season pass,…
Overwatch 2 wants more heroes in the shooter that you don’t have to aim well with
The first phase of Overwatch 2 starts on October 4th. The sequel to Blizzard’s successful hero shooter Overwatch, which should seamlessly integrate into the first part in multiplayer. In the…
a triumph and revenge for the head of the RN
SPEECH LE PEN. Grandissime favorite in her constituency of Pas-de-Calais where she came clearly in the lead, Marine Le Pen hoped to surf on this expected personal result to push…
Kaliningrad: Russia warns Lithuania that does not allow product transit
Russia has warned the small Baltic country that it “could face serious consequences” after Lithuania refused to allow some goods entering Kaliningrad to pass by train. Then he summoned the…