Cat owner sued for animal cruelty – feces everywhere

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In the heavily soiled apartment, which smelled of faeces and urine, the animal welfare inspector found the cats. There was no food for them and there was cat poop all over the house. The litter box was so overflowing that the faeces could be measured in a pile of 50 centimeters.

“Not a good environment”

In the cluttered residence, there was also a large amount of garbage, broken glass on a floor, and the county board’s animal welfare officer assesses that the indoor environment is not to be considered hygienic or healthy for cats to live in.

“Cats are a clean animal and do not feel good living in a dirty environment where they cannot keep themselves clean,” writes the manager in a service note.

There are also veterinary certificates that the cats have been ill for a long time.

The case can be settled without a main hearing in the district court. The prosecutor’s proposed penalty is that the cat owner must pay 50 daily fines of SEK 50 each. A sum that lands at SEK 2,500.
