Cassa Notariato, Giovannoli: very cautious, investments in BTPs and the real economy

Cassa Notariato Giovannoli very cautious investments in BTPs and the

(Finance) – “Our Cassa has always been characterized by having a very cautious profile. The National Notary Fund is a fund with over 100 years of history and the only pay-as-you-go fund, so notaries with the same years of contributions all retire with the same amount, so this is an important feature that reflects the particularity of the categorybecause the notary ensures a social function in all Italian regions, therefore he must be present and assist the office where he is assigned”. He told Finance Stella GiovannoliChief Investment Officer of the Cassa Nazionale del Notariato, on the sidelines of the annual congress of Assiom Forex, the association of financial market operators, underway in Genoa.

“This has led us over time to be very cautious – he explained – therefore broad diversification of investments, clearly in Italian government bonds and support for the real economy of the country, with private equity projects on small and medium-sized enterprises, and a broad diversification which over time has evolved from direct investments on the Italian and European stock market to a varied portfolio of both UCITS and alternative mutual investment funds”.

“At the moment we have over 170 funds invested in almost 20 asset classes for 63 asset management companieswith a total portfolio of 2 billion euros, of which only this part of the funds is around 1 billion euros”, Giovannoli recalled.

On support for the Italian real economy and SMEs, “le cashiers are already working hard now – he argued – I remember that within the Association of private social security institutions (AdEPP) there are very important funds – including Enpam, Cassa Forense, Cassa dei Dottori Accountisti, Inarcassa – which have carried out some very interesting projects. You just need to look at the AdEPP numbers to see that the commitment is very, very important.”

(Photo: Giovanni Ricciardi)
