Cassa Centrale Group: the third flight of the national multi-channel communication campaign is underway

Cassa Centrale Group the third flight of the national multi channel

(Finance) – Cooperation, mutuality and localism: continues the path of brand awareness undertaken in 2020 from Cassa Centrale Group – Italian Cooperative Credit which, after the success of the first two editions, launches the third flight of the multichannel communication campaign (TV, radio, web and print media) with the aim of reaffirming its values.

The third flight – reads the note – will be present on the main national communication channels with the institutional entity and with strategic elements dedicated to CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), the Digital Bank – Inbank and BancAssicura.

At the start, Sunday 27 March, the campaign will develop with an articulated calendar up to April 23, 2022, athrough a diversified media mix. Four channels media that will act as vehicles for institutional messages: channels TV ((about 45% of the commercials will be in prime time), with institutional programs on the main national networks, print, con 35 issues in the main national newspapers to guarantee high quality coverage parameters, initially recalling the institutional ADV and then subsequently introducing strategic elements on the Group’s activities and positioning. An innovative one has been planned in parallel web campaign on various information portals, with tools that will connect users to the spot and to the campaign on the dedicated landing page “The Banks of all of us” on the site.

From Sunday 27 March the radio spot arrives: expected one dense two-week programming on the main national broadcasters designed to intercept a very wide audience.

“With the third flight of the campaign – he comments Giorgio Fracalossi, Chairman of Cassa Centrale Banca – we wish to increase the recognition of the Cassa Centrale Group and its distinctive characteristics throughout the national territory. The media planning has been studied with great care to ensure maximum effectiveness and greater visibility to our stakeholders. In a period characterized by this great uncertainty – concludes the President Fracalossi – we believe it is essential to continue the path of consolidation of the Group’s identity, for reaffirm the values ​​of cooperation and the role we play for all the people who share them with us “.
