Cassa Centrale at the Savings Fair: finance and technology to tackle climate change

Cassa Centrale at the Savings Fair finance and technology to

(Finance) – The climate change is an increasingly urgent global threat, but this crisis may prove to be theopportunities for the development and implementation of new technologies sustainable, thanks to research and innovation. All this then has an impact on portfolios and investments, with customers who are increasingly sensitive to these issues, according to what emerged from the conference organized by Central Bank Cash at the thirteenth edition of the Salone del Risparmio, the reference event in the asset management sector.

“As far as our cooperative group is concerned, definitely sustainable investment is a characterizing element it has been a reality for many years, because since 2015 we have already had our range of ethical investments as regards the NEF fund, which already ante litteram had anticipated some themes which then have now become a common element for all investing “, he told Finance Marco GallianiHead of the Wealth Management Service of Cassa Centrale Banca.

“We have a approach that clearly evaluates what the sustainability profile istherefore the ESG profile of the companies, making a selection and eliminating those that are unwelcome sectors or those that should not invest according to our criteria and parameters”, added Galliani.

According to the manager of Cassa Centrale Banca, “customers have certainly increased their sensitivity to the issue of sustainable investment in recent years. They did so partly out of interest for themselves, but also partly driven by what is our world. Because ours is a world of cooperative credit and therefore means a great relationship between people – whether they are members, customers or collaborators of the group – and therefore also from the relationship between people a particular sensitivity to sustainability issues was born of investments, which for our group is a truly fundamental element and which is also attracting great interest from customers”.

Scientific research and technological innovation will provide new solutions to mitigate the environmental impact of human activities and face the challenges of the great change of our planet, according to Gianluca DettoriInternet pioneer and founder of Primo Ventures SGR.

“It will take at least 135 trillion to address the issue of climate change in the coming years and basically on two lines: on the one hand we must mitigate the problems of climate change, adapting infrastructure and changing our styles of view, but this will not be enough; we shall develop those technologies that are in laboratories today and existand therefore those technologies can actually be made available to humanity that finally make our world sustainable and therefore make us enter a new global scenario, in which the activities we do do not harm the planet and indeed allow us to imagine a combination of growth development without this making our lifestyle unbearable,” he told Finance.

“There are optimists all over the world who believe in this thing, but the truth is that this is a fact that we will have to do whatever it takes, as Mario Draghi said – said Dettori – This problem of climate change will have to be faced and resolved not only with finance, but also with technology“.

“All the venture capital funds that are springing up right now are all article 8 ESG funds – he added – Our venture capital sector cares a lot about this issue for the simple fact that it invests in ten-year plans of companies, so in ten years these companies that will survive – the new Googles will be born thanks to these technologies – so definitely the world of venture capital is indulging and investments are growing strongly”.
