Casino: how are we influenced by our own perceptions?

Casino how are we influenced by our own perceptions

Encourage risk taking. Provide customers with an exceptional experience. Influencing behaviors. Gaming establishments do not skimp on resources and no detail is left to chance. How do casinos, in cities or online, play with our senses to encourage us to challenge our gambling luck?

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If you have ever been to a casino, you have certainly noticed that this visit awakens our senses, and therefore our behavior. Indeed, stimuli of all kinds bring players and visitors into a bubble conducive to play.

A very special universe

Bright lighting, the absence of a clock and natural light, loud music or the noise of machines are all elements that influence the perception of time and the reflection. These visual and sound solicitations act on the decision time during the games. The more there are, the more the players are reactive and impulsive. They then take less time to concentrate or to analyze information from the game.

This general euphoria is necessarily linked to the expenses incurred. Victory sounds (the “gling-gling” of slot machines) also play an important role. And some companies have even specialized in olfactory marketing to increase the stakes by creating a particular atmosphere and specific scents.

Did you notice that the gaming tables were covered with green carpets? That’s not a hazard obviously since it is a color that represents calm and stability. Conversely, the rest of the decoration uses more red tones which have an exciting side. In short, you will have understood, in casinos our senses are turned upside down!

And what about online games?

Just see the list of online casinos in France to measure how much the French like to play and provoke their luck. Moreover, successive confinements and curfews have been very profitable for online platforms which have increased the number of customers. The site even speaks of a record which reached 617 million euros in turnover for online games of chance only for… the second quarter of 2021!

Online casinos use similar codes. The colors are in red and black tones, and there may even be sound effects reminiscent of the sound of slot machines. The game mats that appear on the screen also use green to create an atmosphere conducive to betting.

Be careful, however, because some sites encourage gambling. And in compulsive gamblers, this can lead to a spiral of expenses. To cite just one example: there are deposit bonuses. These are bonuses proportional to the amount spent. Example: with an amount of €50, the online casino that offers a 100% bonus will give you an additional €50 to continue playing.

Conversely, there are no deposit bonuses. These welcome bonuses offer the possibility to new registered players to test the platform (and possibly win prizes) without having to spend money from the first minutes. At first glance, it’s interesting. However, to work the no deposit bonus requires the registration of the credit card and faced with the lure of winning it can be tempting to spend to hope to win more.

Playing in the casino is a recreational activity which consists of betting money in the hope of obtaining greater winnings. But, as with many games of chance, it can get obsessive…

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