Cases took his head: ‘serious danger’ warning for children! What are the methods of protection from influenza?

Cases took his head serious danger warning for children What

Child Health and Diseases Specialist Mehtap Senem said, “Influenza usually passes in healthy individuals, while some children can cause serious complications. Especially children under the age of 5, weak immune system and children with chronic diseases are at risk. ”

Dr. Mehtap Senem, influenza He gave information about the transmission ways, symptoms, risk groups and influenza protection methods of virus. Stating that it is contagious for 7 days from the beginning of the disease, Uzm. Dr. Senem emphasized the importance of children paying attention to hygiene rules.

Symptoms that occur especially in children

Such diseases can usually create epidemics in autumn and winter. Dr. Mehtap Senem gave information about the ways of transmission: “Influenza virus is transmitted by inhalation of droplets spreading into the air as a result of infected individuals coughing and sneezing. Staying for a long time in a closed environment, but close contact increases the risk of contamination. The flu is not infected with the consumption of foods. ” He said.


Exp. Dr. Senem, especially in young children, said that these symptoms are frequently seen and what needs to be careful as follows: “Sudden onset of high fever, tremor and cold sensation, muscle and joint pain, headache, weakness and fatigue, dry cough, sore throat, nose discharge or blockage , nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. ”

“It can lead to serious complications for some children”

Exp. Dr. Mehtap Senem said, “Influenza, often light in healthy individuals, can lead to serious complications for some children. Especially children under the age of 5, those with weak immune system and children with chronic diseases are at risk. Children with chronic disorders such as asthma, heart disease and diabetes may be more affected than the flu and the disease may be heavy. For this reason, children in the risk group must be protected, “he said.


“In some cases, additional tests may be required for diagnosis”

Saying that the samples taken from the nose or throat to diagnose the disease were examined by PCR method. Dr. Mehtap Senem said that additional tests may sometimes require: “In severe cases, a decrease in the number of lymphocytes, which is an indicator of the immune system. If bacterial infection has been added, tests such as hemogram and CRP are also evaluated and appropriate treatment is planned. Dr. Senem said: “Paracetamol or Ibuprofen group antipyretics can be used for fire and pain management. Aspirin is absolutely recommended. In the control of the doctor, antiviral drugs can be started according to factors such as age and weight. He said.


How do we protect from flu?

Exp. Dr. Senem explained what needs to be done to protect against the flu: “To wash hands frequently, to pay attention to hygiene rules. to use a mask. ” he said.

He said that children with chronic disorders such as asthma, diabetes, heart or kidney disease and individuals living in the same house should be vaccinated and added the following words, “For example, if there is an asthma child at home, all family members to prevent the spread of the disease flu vaccine It is recommended to be. In addition, children between 6 months and 5 years, especially 6 months – 2 age group, can be protected by flu vaccine, ”he said.


Stating that parents should pay attention to some measures in order to prevent the spread of influenza outbreaks and protect children. Dr. Mehtap Senem said that it is of great importance to take early measures in order to have a healthy winter.


