Cases increased in China! USA took action: Senators asked Biden for a ‘ban’

Cases increased in China USA took action Senators asked Biden

5 Republican senators, led by Marco Rubio, wrote a letter to the Biden administration after the sudden rise in respiratory disease cases in China.


Referring to a “mysterious” and “unknown” disease that is rapidly spreading among children in China, the letter said, “We must immediately restrict travel between the United States and China until we know more about the dangers posed by this new disease.” The statement was included.

The letter reminded that China hid the facts during the Covid-19 epidemic and emphasized the cost of this to the USA.


In the letter, the Biden administration was called on to “take the necessary steps to protect the health of Americans and the economy” and stated that the travel ban, which will be implemented “until we know more” about the new disease, could save the USA from “death, isolation, necessity and epidemics that may arise later.”

World Health Organization official Maria Van Kerkhove stated in a statement on the subject last week that the wave of the disease seen in China was not as high as that observed before Covid-19 in 2018-2019.

In January 2020, former US President Donald Trump imposed some restrictions on travel to the US from China in order to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic, but did not ban flights.

