Still the disease slightly, to get rid of the flu faster … First of all, you need to pay attention to nutrition. The body needs vitamin C to heal quickly. Orange, tangerine and lemon are the leading ones. Rosehip is as useful as ginger. Be sure to consume herbal teas. When consuming these nutrients, do not forget to drink and rest with plenty of water.
Especially the green pepper Vitamin C store protects the immunity and the disease quickly survived.
Onion, garlic and radish are as effective as the drug. Garlic is both rich in vitamin C and has antiseptic properties. Ginger is scattering healing.
Speaking to Kanal D Main News. Dr. Ela Temeloğlu Keskin, “We are in a very prone to virus infections. Vitamin C -containing vegetables and fruits in abundance by consuming abundantly we need to keep our immune system under control.
Green pepper is not the season, but we can get vitamin C from green pepper when the season comes. Vitamin C is high in the kiwi.
By consuming ginger, honey and linden combination, we can relax our throat and increase vitamin C intake.
If your diet is insufficient, get help. Vitamin C supplements, vitamin D supplements, zinc supplementation if your zinc level is low in this season we recommend more supplements. “He said.