Case of viral pneumonia in a school: what you need to know

Case of viral pneumonia in a school what you need

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    In Lot-Et-Garonne, a school had to close a section because of several cases of viral pneumonia in young children. “Nothing abnormal at this stage”, according to Dr Kierzek, who recalls that the Covid is not the only epidemic to circulate.

    Although the news is mainly punctuated by the epidemic waves of Covid since 2019, we would almost forget that the other diseases exist and yet this is the case. In Lot-Et-Garonne in Lavardac, a kindergarten has temporarily closed a section receiving children under three years old, as a precaution, following the report of 7 cases of viral pneumonia.

    The condition of three of the young patients would have required hospital treatment during the night according to LCI. All passed a PCR test and were declared negative for Covid-19.

    In the dispatch, the mayor of the city said: “I am now awaiting directives from the inspection of the academy and the ARS”, which were seized. In the current context of global health crisis, we tend to immediately fear the worst with the start of a catastrophic epidemic, a paranoia that Dr Gérald Kierzek, emergency physician and medical director of Doctissimo wanted to temporize. “There is nothing abnormal or worrying at this stage. Today it seems that there is only the Covid which is claiming victims and hospitalizing children, but that does not This is not the case. Every year children are hospitalized and sometimes there are deaths from illnesses such as pneumonia or other winter viruses.” In 2019, for example, the flu epidemic killed 8 people, or 2% of patients under 15, according to the epidemiological bulletin Annual Report of Public Health France.

    What is pneumonia?

    It is a common disease that affects many people over 65, in general, but which can also develop in younger people. These are viral or bacterial infections of the lungs most often evolving in an acute mode. They develop during a temporary drop in immune defences, which is common in children. The child’s lungs fill with fluid, which prevents him from breathing properly. Every year, worldwide, childhood pneumonia is responsible for around 800,000 deaths, mainly in poor countries.

    In case of viral pneumonitis the symptoms are:

    • Fever at 39°;
    • Chills;
    • Muscle pain sometimes associated with a rash;
    • Lymphadenopathy (nodes becoming palpable);
    • And diarrhea evoking a viral origin.

    In infants, respiratory discomfort is usual (rapid and wheezing breathing) and worrying respiratory distress can occur (cyanosis, flapping of the wings of the nose, impaired consciousness, sweating, drop in blood pressure, risk of fatal apnea) .

    When should you consult?

    “Claude Bernard, physiologist and founder of experimental medicine said: ‘the microbe is nothing, the host is everything’”, quotes Dr. Kierzek. In other words, as for adults, the risk of complications in children in the event of pneumonia exists. He “depends on the child’s comorbidities. In most cases, it’s benign and then age means that they have a competent immune system, but the risk exists.”

    So how do you know whether to consult or not? “As always in case of persistent high fever or if the child’s behavior changes with a lack of appetite or fatigue and if he does not seem to be getting better with self-medication, do not delay. Do not hesitate to consult or call the SAMU.
