Cars, incentives for green vehicles are being studied

Cars incentives for green vehicles are being studied

(Finance) – Incentives for the purchase of non-polluting vehicles. According to what is learned, this would be one of the measures for the auto sector being studied by the Government. The proposal emerged during the automotive meeting held at Palazzo Chigi. A first meeting, today, chaired by the undersecretary to the Prime Minister, Roberto Garofoliwhich saw the participation of the Minister of Economy, Daniele Franco, of the Minister of Economic Development, Giancarlo Giorgetti, the owner of the Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility, Enrico Giovannini, and the Minister of Ecological Transition, Roberto Cingolani.

The meeting was reportedly interlocutory. On the table the hypothesis of allocating the first resources for the auto sector already in the imminent decree against expensive energy announced by Premier Draghi. After all, Federmeccanica and Fim, Fiom and Uilm, have recently launched an alarm cry to urge the relaunch automotive, a sector undergoing profound transformation. In a letter addressed to the Prime Minister and the competent ministers, they asked for an urgent meeting to discuss the future of the sector in the light of “an emergency that oscillates dangerously between great opportunities and serious riskswith the aim of safeguarding and promoting employment and industrial presence of the automotive sector: an Italian heritage “. And the Istat data certify the crisis in the sector: in December, industrial production of motor vehicles fell by 12.3%, a figure corrected for calendar effects, compared to the same month of 2020. In the whole of 2021, production recorded an increase of 8.9% against a 11.8% growth in the general index.

Companies and trade unions, in their joint document, recalled that the European Union has foreseen by 2035 the stop to the sale of new cars that produce carbon emissions, also confirmed by the Italian government with the position of the inter-ministerial committee for the ecological transition of the last December. This measure, “if not accompanied by interventions, it could lead to a loss of approximately 73 thousand jobs in Italy, of which 63 thousand in the period 2025-2030 “.

(Photo: ElisaRiva / Pixabay)
