Carrot, honey, chamomile: natural ingredients to protect your skin from the cold

Carrot honey chamomile natural ingredients to protect your skin from

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    Dropping temperatures, hot showers, ambient humidity and lack of sunlight can cause a lot of skin damage. In winter, the skin is drier, the complexion duller, and the redness more present. A finding that is far from being irremediable… provided you use the right natural ingredients to pamper your skin without damaging it.

    A cure of vitamins C and D and magnesium, among others, would make it possible to spend a serene winter, if not without too many physical glitches. Something that can also be transposed to the skin, thanks to natural ingredients that will provide it with all the necessary virtues to face the cold, humidity, temperature variations, and the (cruel) lack of light. Even before the temperatures plummet, here are three ingredients to incorporate into your beauty routine to allow your skin to face the ills of winter.

    Honey, the all-purpose ingredient

    Summer and winter, honey is a true natural ally for the skin, although its virtues may depend on the flower foraged to make it. As we know, this natural ingredient combines antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, constituting a companion of choice for problem skin. But at the dawn of winter, it is its soothing and nourishing virtues that interest us since it helps dry, dehydrated and sensitive skin to recover – and face the harshness of the season. Not content to delight your taste buds, honey can therefore also be transformed into an all-in-one cosmetic, to deeply nourish the skin, restore its radiance, and help it heal. To be preferred: lavender honey, which will suit all skin types.

    The carrot, the sun from within

    What happened to that tan that made us proud just two months ago? The lack of light inherent in autumn and winter begins to make our complexion much lighter, and above all much duller. Something that you can try to hide with foundation and bronzer, but which is better to remedy with carrots, an accessible and inexpensive ingredient. Carrot juices for keeping, in other words seasonal, will restore radiance to your skin, but it is also possible to introduce carrots into your beauty routine via an oily macerate or vegetable oil. Two products that should be used as soon as you return from summer vacation to make your tan last, but that you must use in winter to restore radiance to the complexion. Especially since the carrot also helps to prevent certain signs related to age.

    Chamomile, a shot of sweetness

    Soothing, chamomile is known to fight against sleep difficulties, but not only… It also calms sensitive, irritated skin, or skin prone to some discomfort. Which is all the more present in winter when the epidermis is torn due to occasional dryness, or even a form of dehydration. In the middle of winter, chamomile appears as a real shot of softness for skin abused by many external aggressions. And that’s without counting on its ability to soothe (also) irritated eyes.
