Caroni (BCC Iccrea): from Green Bond feedback that work done is highly appreciated

Caroni BCC Iccrea from Green Bond feedback that work done

(Finance) – “The 2024 was a particularly important yearin which we have further strengthened our indicators from a property point of view – in fact we are significantly above the main Italian and European groups with a CET1 above 23% -, on the quality of the assets we have reached a really important level with a net NPE below 1% – so we are the Italian banking group that has the lowest clear level of suffering -, and then from the point of view of liquidity for some time we have been far the banking group with the highest liquidity indicators. ” Daniele CaroniFinance Director of the BCC ICCREA group, on the sidelines of the 31st Congress of financial market operators, organized in Turin by Assiom Forex.

“We are a very liquid group and it is important to be now because at the end of the year we have – like all the other banks – returned the financing of the ECB – he added – From the point of view of the dynamics of collection and uses, the group continued in 2024 to grow a lot: We have new credit disbursements for 17 billion, and this certifies the attention that the ICCREA cooperative banking group gives the territory and local communities, the direct collection to 137 billion and it is important for us that even on the indirect we have had a significant growth, with new saving surparations managed for 8.2 billion “.

As for the Outlook 2025, “it is clear that the less restrictive monetary policy dynamics that is placing the ECB makes us wait for a scenario in which the market is serving a series of cuts, and therefore the rates will go down at least in 2025 This will make this dynamics of the margin of interest will be a little less disruptive Compared to the last three exercises, but this does not worry us because all the actions that we have put in place to strengthen the revenues from services with the Bancassurance agreements, with all the actions that suggest that the diversification of revenues is comforted Path undertaken and we expect it to still give further fruits in the coming years “.

“We are very happy to have Located our first Green Bondessentially for two reasons: on the one hand it reinforces our positioning as a banking group very sensitive to the themes of sustainability. We have an ESG rating of excellent quality and therefore all these actions go to strengthen and support this very important positioning – he said – another equally important aspect is that the emission offers a performance that places us at very few points basis from the two largest Italian banking groups. This is very important because it certifies how the market gives us a very high quality and market operations with yields recognized by investors are the best way to have a find that the work we have done in recent years is really highly appreciated by the community“.

On the bank consolidation that is affecting the Italian system, “it will decide the market, it does not concern, we are concentrated and therefore from this point of view it is one privilege situation, because we can have the serenity of not being involved in these dynamics And therefore to focus more and more on our mission, which is to assist the local communities and the territory, make the group cohesive and above all the relationship between the 114 cooperative credit banks and the central structures of Iccrea – said Caroni – All this is working very well, the results give us reason, they comfort us that it is the best way, so from this point of view we can afford the luxury of having the serenity to think about our mission “.
