Carolina Angelis about the detained FRA woman and the military

A former high-ranking military man and his wife who work at FRA are in custody for crimes against national security.
Both have had access to top secret information – which in the wrong hands risks doing great damage.
– The information that both of these people have been sitting on for a long time is the kind that can harm Sweden, says intelligence expert Carolina Angelis.

Yesterday, a former high-ranking military man and his FRA employee wife were arrested on suspicion of crimes against national security. The criminal classification is serious unauthorized position with a secret task.

The man has, among other things, a long career in the Armed Forces and the woman has been employed at the Armed Forces radio station for decades.

She has also studied Russian for several years at university level.

The intelligence expert: “Didn’t accidentally bring documents home”

The arrest followed the secret raid that the Security Police carried out early on Tuesday morning. Witnesses state that around ten plainclothes police entered the couple’s apartment in central Stockholm.

The two prosecutors leading the case have not commented on details. Neither can the lawyers comment on the case due to its sensitive content.

Intelligence expert Carolina Angelis says that the crime the couple is suspected of involves the mishandling of classified information.

Yesterday 08:34

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It is required for espionage

In order for the criminal suspicions to develop into espionage, proof is required that the couple must have had contact with a foreign power.

– That could change if you find things in phones, computers or other things seized in the house search that show that you have communicated with a foreign power, she says in Nyhetsmorgon.

The expert believes that it is unlikely that the crimes were committed unintentionally.

– In principle, it could be so. In this case it is unlikely because there are two people. They have searched the house at FRA and also at the man’s workplace. It does not indicate that a document was accidentally taken home, says Carolina Angelis.

Last Thursday 22:10

The reporter: Difference between espionage and what the “defense couple” is suspected of

Risks damaging Sweden

She states that the information that is handled at the Defense Radio Station is one of the most secret things in Sweden.

– The information that both of these people have been sitting on for a long time is the kind that can harm Sweden. In the long run, it can also harm other nations, says Carolina Angelis.

– The man must have had insight into the Ukrainian military system and in the situation we are in with the war in Ukraine, it is serious if it is the type of information you have no control over.

The expert also says that the need for intelligence information increases as the security policy situation deteriorates.

– There will be an increased need for information and intelligence in order to be able to take a position on various issues.
